Saturday, December 11, 2010

Since gay's willing to serve in the military can't anymore, fat people have to

Well it looks like the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" didn't pass. Even though when asked, 70% of our troops stated they would not care if gays served along side them or even behind them. Even though the military is one part of our country where we never ASK them for anything rather we bark orders for things we demand of them. At any rate as we all know in our country no one has the audacity to riot for anything so we must proceed forward and do as we always do and move on. So I am asking for the passing of a bill entitled "Don't Ask Don't Weigh" to pass. People its no secret here in America we like to eat. In a land where one patty no longer cuts it in our hamburgers, where we have the freedom to select not only a double cheeseburger, nor a triple burger but a quad stack (just what the cardiologist ordered!) we must now earn that 5,000 calorie diet we savior. I am pushing forward to the Senate a bill that will remove the weight requirements from the military. Their are tons (pun intended) of things the heavyset can do in our military heck the Air Force has drone planes that can be controlled similar to that of a video game for one. This type of dislike towards the hungry cannot stand any longer. So I ask of you America to raise your large triple thick shake in the air make a toast and join the cause and earn that CHANGE and HOPE we've been searching for.


  1. everyone in the military has to be able to hold their own. Someone that weighs 350 pounds isn't going to be able to waddle their way to the battle field, they will get shot in a matter of seconds. Plus larger folk tend to be easier targets since they don't move much and obviously their size. I have nothing against over weight people. It's just that they don't belong on the battle field, unless they can move or roll. Imagine Lavell Crawford in the military.


  2. The Fickle Minded OneDecember 14, 2010 at 11:12 PM

    Dear Anonymous:

    I think that was the point of the post - ability on the battlefield is the crux of a soldiers fitness, and sexuality has no effect thereupon.

    That being said...
    ...what really chaps my ass are bloggers that don't post everyday

  3. ...seriously what chaps my ass is that half the people in this country don't get satire, What the HEll. It's a metaphor, Anonymous. I agree let who ever wants to die for their country die for their country, Death has no prejudice, why should our government's death trap!
