Friday, December 17, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg is TIME magazine's Person of the Year

Yes people it is Mr. Facebook himself who took the award this year. Which of course makes total sense, before Mark Zuckerberg the thought of you having more than 20 friends was nothing but a pipe dream at best, but now not only is your friend total at a whopping 1,213 (who were all there for you when your grandmother died) but you even have over 2,000 photos of you with a peace sign and that angle from the top, you know the one you most likely took in your bathroom. And please let us not forget that old thing that since Facebook, has disappeared from our vocabulary completely (hold while I find that damned word)... O yea, privacy! Let's just say compared to Facebook, Julian Assange lives as if he were Amish. Now some of you might say "I don't know what I would do without Facebook" O, I don't know have a job? You thought unemployment was at a near 10% because of a bad economy? No people its because of that one picture your friend took of you hitting a bong filled with salvia (which was easily located by googling your name). People don't you see? Mark Zuckerberg is as evil as evil gets. His full birth name is actually Mark Bin Jong-Il, he was put here to invade your privacy and to make sure all of your dreams and future aspirations are destroyed because instead of studying for a test or reading a good book, you just became a drug Kingpin on "Mafia Wars". It is no secret me and Mr. Zuckerberg have had our differences, but mind you this has no bearing on what I have stated here today. Our riff is beneath what the Facebook machine has created, and this blog will not stand for the actions of Mr. Bin Jong-Il. So we will proceed to do what we do best, and that is make very serious claims!

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